19 Clapton Square is a late Georgian/Regency period house constructed circa 1816. The property is grade II listed and situated within the Clapton Square conservation area. It is the end house of a listed terrace of houses along the west side of the square.
3 storeys, attic and basement, 2 windows. Slated hipped mansard roofs with dormers. Stock brick with stone-coped parapet. Gauged brick arches, round in round-arched recesses on ground floor and flat above, to sash windows with glazing bars. 1-storey stuccoed entrance links, with cornice and blocking course, at either side.
The householder wanted to carry out various repairs and improvements to the house, including replacing a small existing rear window with a new inward opening pair of glazed doors and a discreet painted metal balustrade to provide additional daylight and openness to the room.
Planning and listed building consent was successfully negotiated with Hackney planning and granted August 2019. Work is due to commence shortly.