This new-build mixed-use project provides a mix of 1, 2 & 3 bedroom dwellings over 3 floors to provide 4 no. dwellings and a separate B1 business unit at ground floor level on a restricted urban infill site. All dwellings have been designed in accordance with the GLA Housing Standards SPG and Lifetimes Homes Standards. The ground floor dwellings has been designed to be fully accessible for wheelchair users.
The existing site is used for car repairs and is not appropriate for the location surrounded by residential properties and gardens. The site is in a poor state of repair and it has not been possible to secure the necessary investment and long term tenancy to avoid further decline. The site is more appropriate for residential use and will provide 4 much needed dwellings and a new business unit within Hackney.
The main building is set back from the footpath to align with the adjacent terrace. The front gardens provide a secure buffer zone to the frontage similar to the adjacent terrace. The front living spaces and balconies looking out onto the street contribute to the passive surveillance that already exists along the street. Low railings with climbing plants provide the enclosure along the front. The private frontages are provided to each of the ground floor dwellings separated by the common entrance. All of the dwellings are entered via the common entrance door. The door is glazed for good visibility, and set back to provide shelter from the weather.
Planning approval was secured in 2017.